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Aesthetic Surgery
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Tummy Tuck is a solution for loose skin and fat tissue in the abdomen and lower abdomen that cannot be removed by diet and exercise. Sagging, stretch marks and blemishes caused by caesarean section, pregnancy and continuous weight gain and loss can be easily removed with aesthetic surgery.
Tummy tuck is known as a tummy tuck, the name of the aesthetic surgery procedure that eliminates the negative effect on human psychology in terms of aesthetics. The type of surgery that can correct the physical silhouette of the body after surgery carries certain risks like all other surgical procedures. These risks, which your surgeon will explain to you in detail, are closely related to general lifestyle habits. Smoking, alcohol consumption or lack of exercise will affect the success of the surgery. The belly button, which negatively affects the posture of all kinds of clothes such as trousers, skirts and dresses, will largely disappear after this operation. The surgery, which slims the waist and provides a flatter abdomen, is performed through an incision made just above the groin area and below the belly button. It is possible to say that there will be a scar in tummy tuck aesthetics, but a specialist doctor can hide this scar in the bikini area.
In addition to general procedures related to the elimination of abdominal and abdominal deformities, a mini tummy tuck may be sufficient if sagging occurs only under the navel. Mini abdominal surgery is a simpler surgery in terms of both treatment time and shorter recovery time. Recovery time varies from person to person depending on lifestyle and physical structures. Today, innovations in the field of medicine make it easier to perform this type of surgery more successfully, as in many surgeries.
Tummy tuck surgery aims for a flat abdomen and a younger body silhouette. If there is excessive fat and weakening in the abdomen and abdomen, as well as fat in the waist and hip area, abdominoplasty can be performed together with liposuction. Weakened skin tissue due to aging can also be removed with this surgery. When the abdominal muscles and skin are stretched, some weight loss is observed. After abdominoplasty, body measurements are expected to decrease by 1-2 sizes.
Reviews of those who have undergone tummy tuck surgery state that they have achieved the appearance they want with the disappearance of postoperative oedema. Thanks to a flat abdomen, especially women can achieve the body they dream of. It is possible to make the silhouette obtained from the operation more aesthetic with the exercises started after the postoperative recovery period. Abdominoplasty improves physical appearance and increases self-confidence. High self-confidence and a positive mood are aimed thanks to the aesthetic intervention that contributes psychologically to the person.
The question of who is suitable for tummy tuck aesthetics can be answered by men and women with excess belly fat that cannot be removed despite diet and sports. Abdominoplasty, which is an aesthetic operation preferred in cases of excessive weight gain such as after caesarean section or multiple pregnancy, is applied to people with deformities in their body. After such situations, the structure of the skin and abdominal muscles, which do not return to normal and tightness spontaneously, can be easily restored. Abdominoplasty is recommended for patients who do not have chronic diseases and are suitable for anaesthesia.
Because chronic diseases that can prevent blood clotting, such as diabetes, are a major obstacle to this type of surgery. It is important that the patient does not have such diseases in order for the wounds to heal, various complications to be avoided and the surgical process to be successful.
You can also get help from a specialist doctor to see the suitability for surgery and to find answers to questions such as how to do tummy tuck aesthetics.
Full tummy tuck surgery is applied to people who have experienced excessive weight change or have given birth. If the patient has excess skin on the upper side of the belly button, and when sitting, a fold is formed on the lower side of the belly button that he can hold with his hand, this patient is suitable for tummy tuck surgery. People who are not extremely obese for tummy tuck surgery, those whose abdominal fat does not melt despite diet and sports, those who have sagging, loosening and cracks in the abdominal area after weight loss, those who have a large abdomen even if they have not given birth, those who have sagging, loosening and cracking due to pregnancy, those who have fat in the abdominal area although their body is in aesthetic dimensions are suitable for tummy tuck surgery. People who do not have health problems that prevent abdominoplasty can easily undergo abdominoplasty. If the patient does not have excess skin, has only a little fat, and the abdominal wall has loosened due to birth and weight change, endoscopic abdominoplasty is preferred. If the excess skin and fat accumulate only below the navel, mini tummy tuck surgery is performed.
As with all surgeries, there are things you should pay attention to just before tummy tuck surgery. The most important of these is to quit smoking. Because smoking slows down blood circulation and prolongs the healing time of surgical wounds. In the last week of the operation, you should definitely stop using blood thinners and drugs that will adversely affect anaesthesia. It will be important to plan accordingly in advance so that women’s special days and the date of surgery do not coincide.
Abdominoplasty is not a painful operation. During tummy tuck surgery, local anaesthetics are applied to all incisions and abdominal wall for a long time. In this way, patients will not feel pain after the operation. Even if they feel a little pain the day after the operation, this pain will be due to the tension caused by abdominal stretching. In endoscopic tummy tuck and mini tummy tuck surgeries, pain will be even less.
After abdominoplasty, the patient will be fitted with anti-embolism stockings, a urinary catheter, a drain and an abdominal corset. You can eat and stand up a few hours after the operation. In order not to overload the stitches, they should walk forwards in the first time. Since the stitches are left under the skin after the operation, there is no need for stitch removal. You can return to your normal life after one week, and you can start sports after three weeks.
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