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Aesthetic Surgery
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Rhinoplasty, or rhinoplasty, is a surgical procedure to reconstruct the shape of the nose. Reasons for rhinoplasty include correcting deformities due to injury, changing the appearance of the nose to correct birth defects or improving breathing by improving certain respiratory conditions. In some cases, both breathing difficulties and physical appearance may be one of the reasons for choosing rhinoplasty.
Rhinoplasty surgery can replace layers of bone, cartilage, skin or all three, depending on your needs. When planning a rhinoplasty, the surgeon considers important points such as the characteristics of the organs that make up the rest of the patient’s face, the skin of the nose and what the patient wants to change. People will have an individual plan for themselves in order for rhinoplasty to take place. As with all other surgeries, there may be some risks involved in rhinoplasty. In major surgeries, there is a risk of infection, bleeding and side effects related to anesthesia.
There are other risks specific to rhinoplasty. These include difficulty breathing, persistent numbness in and around the nose, uneven nose, discoloration or permanent swelling. More comprehensive information about these risks is shared by rhinoplasty surgeons with people considering the stages of rhinoplasty surgery. Before proceeding to the rhinoplasty planning stage, the doctor and the person considering rhinoplasty have a detailed discussion to determine whether the surgical procedure is effective.
There is no sequential stage progression for the rhinoplasty surgery procedure. Each surgery is individualized according to your unique anatomy and goals. Depending on the complexity of the surgery, the surgery may require local or general anesthesia. This decision is made before any operation. The effects of local anesthesia, which is sedated, are limited to certain areas of the body. A healthcare team will inject painkillers into your nasal tissues and medicines into your veins through an intravenous (IV) line to reduce pain. General anesthesia, on the other hand, affects the whole body and renders you unconscious during the operation. The type of anesthesia is determined depending on the stages of nose correction.
Internal bandages after rhinoplasty usually stay in place for 1 to 7 days after surgery. Your surgeon can provide support by taping a splint to your nose. To reduce bleeding and swelling after rhinoplasty, you should lie in bed with your head above your chest. During surgery, the swelling or splint may block your nose. It is normal for mucus and accumulated blood to continue to flow with a small amount of bleeding for a few days after surgery or until the dressing is removed. Surgeons want to take some precautions in the weeks following surgery to minimize the possibility of bleeding and swelling. These include avoiding strenuous activities such as sports and running, taking a more ideal bath instead of showers with water running out of your nose with bandages, blowing your nose, and eating fibrous foods such as fruits and vegetables. Precautions include avoiding facial expressions and gestures, brushing your teeth gently or limiting the movement of your upper lip.
Also, do not wear glasses on your nose for at least 4 weeks after the surgery is completed. Glasses should not be worn until the nose is completely healed. When you are outdoors, sunscreen with a factor of at least 30 should be used, especially in the nose area. In the summer months of the year, the sun’s rays can permanently change the color of the skin on your nose. Rhinoplasty surgery can also cause pain. It is quite normal to feel a pain in the nose area in the first days after the surgery. However, if these pains persist even after a long time after the surgery, this situation should be consulted with a doctor.
During rhinoplasty surgery, you will not be able to feel any pain with the effect of anesthesia. After the surgery, painkillers are given to all patients for a few days. The first night after the surgery, you may have some difficulty breathing. However, you will be able to breathe more easily after the intranasal dressings we place on your nose are removed. Intranasal dressings can be removed the day after the surgery. You will not have any pain and distress after this time.
There is a lower age limit for rhinoplasty surgery. This limit is 17 for women and 18 for men. There is no upper age limit for rhinoplasty surgery. If there is a serious nasal congestion in children and this condition disrupts the development of your child, surgical intervention can be performed at an early age.
You know that even any cut made on the skin leaves a scar. But those big stitches that come to your mind when you think of surgical scars will not be in rhinoplasty. Because each incision and stitches opened in rhinoplasty operations will not be visible to the eye as they will be done extremely carefully. Rhinoplasty surgery is performed in two ways, open and closed. In the closed operation, the incisions will not be visible as they will remain inside your nose. In the open nose operation, a tiny scar will remain at the base of the nose. Patients will be informed in advance when there is a need for an open operation.
Immediately after the nose surgery, you can go home and continue your normal life. After the surgery, you can breathe easily thanks to the thin silicone we place inside your nose. After the rhinoplasty operation, you can stay under our supervision for about an hour and then you can go home with your companion. However, we recommend that you stay under our supervision in the hospital for one day after the operation.
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