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Gastric Sleeve Gastrectomy can be considered as an operation that prevents the accumulation of fat in the bodies of individuals with morbid obesity. Many different factors such as wrong eating habits, sedentary daily life or hormonal disorders have caused many people to face obesity problems today. According to the World Health Organisation, obesity, which is considered one of the 10 most dangerous diseases, causes patients to experience much more serious problems over time, while the problems experienced affect both physically and mentally.
Although it is a difficult decision to have sleeve gastrectomy, it may be the only option for people who are faced with morbid obesity. Gastric sleeve surgery, which is widely researched on platforms such as the internet because it is known as one of the most commonly applied surgical interventions today, is also known as stomach reduction surgery.
In this surgery, the stomach is turned into a thin tube and thus eighty per cent of the stomach is cut and removed. The aim of this operation is to restrict the food intake of the stomach. Although low, this application, which also has the effect of reducing food absorption, reduces the appetite of patients and makes it possible to break insulin resistance even if there is no weight loss. Therefore, this operation can be considered as one of the most effective treatment methods especially for morbid obesity.
Sleeve gastrectomy procedure, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is one of the surgical methods applied for the treatment of morbid obesity, also known as fatal obesity. This operation, which makes it possible to eliminate the stored fat settled in the bodies of the patients and prevents the progression of the disease, is applied for patients whose body mass index shows obesity.
This application, also known as stomach reduction operation, is among the bariatric surgery options and is widely preferred by many people. In this application, which is preferred because it is the first option and known as one of the effective methods, 80% or more of the stomach is removed and the stomach volume is reduced.
After sleeve gastrectomy, food intake decreases as patients lose 80% of their stomach. This situation causes direct weight loss and normalises insulin resistance. However, of course, it is necessary to state that you should be examined on many different medical disciplines before performing such an operation.
Tube stomach surgery results have become one of the most frequently researched topics on the internet. This application, which can be performed on patients between the ages of 18 and 65 who face the problem of morbid obesity, is a known procedure performed on people with a body mass index value of 35 and above.
After sleeve gastrectomy, food intake decreases as patients lose 80% of their stomach. This directly causes weight loss and normalises insulin resistance. However, of course, it is necessary to state that you should be examined on many different medical disciplines before performing such an operation.
Tube stomach surgery results have become one of the most frequently researched topics on the internet. This application, which can be performed on patients between the ages of 18 and 65 who face the problem of morbid obesity, is a procedure known to be performed on people with a body mass index value of 35 and above.
This operation, which takes an average of one and a half hours, may be shorter or longer depending on the patient’s condition and the changes that occur during the operation. This operation, which provides many advantages for morbid obesity patients, causes the appetite of the patients to stop after the procedure, while a very large part of the stomach is removed.
It is generally recommended to be hospitalised 24 hours before your obesity surgery time. You should also enter a liquid diet and not eat solid food the day before. Eating should be completely stopped from 12 o’clock at night. Oral water intake should be stopped 8 hours before your operation time.
The advantages of sleeve gastrectomy include narrowing of the gastric passageway, satiety with a small amount of food, decreased appetite and balanced nutrition. Gastric sleeve gastrectomy is an easier and shorter operation compared to gastric bypass surgery and the hospital stay is shorter. Sleeve gastrectomy surgery can be converted to some other obesity surgeries when necessary.
Not everyone who complains of excess weight can undergo sleeve gastrectomy surgery. In order to undergo this surgery, the patient must be between the ages of 18 and 65 and have a body mass index above 35-40. If the person has cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes and serious health problems caused by excess weight, if there is no alcohol and drug addiction, if the psychological state does not prevent the change of lifestyle and is at a level that can overcome the stress of surgery, if the health condition is appropriate, if the person cannot lose weight other than surgical method to lose weight, it is suitable for sleeve gastrectomy surgery.
If you eat healthy and do regular exercises after sleeve gastrectomy surgery, you can achieve 65-80% weight loss within 1 year after surgery. However, if you cannot establish your eating habits and cannot eat healthy, you may experience approximately 5% weight gain again in the future.
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