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Aesthetic Surgery
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Mini Gastric Bypass is an operation that can be performed in the easiest, shortest time and most economical cost among obesity surgery operations. Mini Gastric Bypass surgery provides weight loss as much as other bypass surgeries. It can control conditions such as type 2 diabetes, diabetes, hyperlipidaemia and hypertension, which are the leading symptoms of metabolic syndrome. The most basic logic in the operation is to reduce the volume of the stomach. However, in addition to this, the intestine that provides absorption at the exit of the stomach is bypassed. Bypass is performed with the connection of the anastomosis between the stomach and the small intestine. With the deactivation of this intestine that provides absorption, it has a positive effect on rapid weight loss, treatment of blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and advanced age patients. Mini Gastric Bypass is an operation performed with completely closed methods.
For Mini Gastric Bypass surgery, you must have a body mass index of 35 and above. The operation takes between 30-60 minutes. You can be discharged 24 hours after the operation.
With Mini Gastric Bypass, weight loss can be achieved in three different ways. These ways are; reduction of stomach volume, restriction of absorption and hormonal regulation. With the first way of reducing the stomach volume, your meal portions will be reduced. In the second way, restriction of absorption, the 200 cm section at the beginning of the small intestine is separated from the food passage. It is the duty of this separated section to carry bile and other fluids that provide digestion and absorption. Thanks to this absorption restriction, the amount of your weight loss is high and the weight loss you achieve is maintained for a long time. The third way, hormonal regulation, has the effect of keeping the stomach passive inside. Since the eaten food cannot pass to this part, its activity will be lost without stimulation. In this way, the secretion of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, will decrease.
The connection of the stomach and small intestine is made with special staples called staplers. These staplers called staplers are specially produced tools suitable for the closed method. By gluing the stomach and intestine together, a gap is created to provide passage between them. This created gap is called anastomosis.
You can stand up 4 hours after Mini Gastric Bypass surgery and you can start oral feeding 24 hours after surgery. If you do not have any problems as a result of the follow-up and examinations, you can be discharged 3 days after the operation with nutritional recommendations.
After Mini Gastric Bypass, you should follow the eating plan specially prepared for you by your dietician. In general, water, apple juice or fruit juices can be given in a small amount the day after the operation. Liquid or semi-liquid foods, skimmed milk and yoghurt, soups prepared with yoghurt, fruit purees prepared with yoghurt, pureed legumes and pot dishes, corn flakes prepared with skimmed milk and skimmed cheeses can be eaten for the first month. Apart from these, chocolate, honey, cakes, sweets, sorbet, ice cream, soda, alcoholic beverages and all foods containing sugar should not be consumed as they may cause vomiting.
Mini gastric bypass is suitable for people with a body mass index (BMI) of 35 and over or a BMI between 30-34.9 who have serious obesity-related health problems. You should consult a bariatric surgeon to determine if you are a candidate for surgery.
Mini gastric bypass is usually performed laparoscopically, i.e. through small incisions and with the help of a camera. The surgeon creates a small pouch in the upper part of the stomach and connects this pouch directly to the small intestine, so that food bypasses the stomach and most of the small intestine.
Mini gastric bypass surgery usually takes 1-2 hours. Patients usually stay in hospital for a few days after surgery.
The recovery time varies from person to person, but they can usually return to their normal activities within 1-2 weeks. Full recovery and adaptation to the new diet may take several months.
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