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À propos de nous

Diplôme | Zone | Université | Année |
Licence | Faculté de médecine | Université d’Istanbul Faculté de médecine de Cerrahpasa | 1998 |
Maîtrise | Faculté de médecine | Faculté de médecine de l’Université Cerrahpaşa d’Istanbul | 1988 |
Doctorat | Santé et maladies de l’enfant | Université de Harran | 1999-2003 |
Doktora | Néonatologie | Université Van Yüzüncü Yıl | 2011-2014 |
Histoire de l’enseignant doctorant : 10/09/2013
Professeur associé Date: 05/04/2016
Historique de la chaire :2023
Thèse de doctorat
Articles publiés dans des revues internationales à comité de lecture (SCI,SSCI,Arts and Humanities)
1.Koc A, Kocyigit A, Soran M, Demir N, Sevinc E, Erel O, Mil Z. High frequency of maternal vitamin
B12 deficiency as an important cause of infantile vitamin B12 deficiency in Sanliurfa province of Turkey.
Eur J Nutr.2006;45(5):291-7.
2.Tuncer O, Peker E, Demir N, Akbayram S, Kirimi E. Spectrophotometric analysis in umbilical cords of
infants with meconium aspiration syndrome. J Membr Biol.2013;246(7):525-8.
3. Demir N, Koc A, Üstyol L, Peker E, Abuhandan M. Clinical and neurological findings of severe
vitamin B12 deficiency in infancy and importance of early diagnosis and treatment. J Paediatr Child
4. Demir N, Doğan M, Peker E, Bulan K, Tuncer O. A very rare entity of diabetes insipidus associated
with Edwards syndrome. Genet Res (Camb).2013;95(4):130-2.
5. Abuhandan M, Bozkuş F, Demir N, Eren E, Koca B, Kadir Guler O, Selek S. The preoperative and
postoperative oxidative status of children with chronic adenotonsillar hypertrophy. Clin Ter.
6. Bay A, Dogan M, Bulan K, Kaba S, Demir N, Öner AF. A study on the effects of pica and iron-
deficiency anemia on oxidative stress, antioxidant capacity and trace elements. Hum Exp Toxicol.
7. Demir N, Doğan M, Koç A, Kaba S, Bulan K, Ozkol HU, Doğan SZ. Dermatological findings of
vitamin B12 deficiency and resolving time of these symptoms. Cutan Ocul Toxicol.2014;33(1):70-3.
8. Garca MF, Budak A, Demir N, Cankaya H, Kiroglu AF. Characteristics of deep neck infection in
children according to weight percentile. Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol.2014;7(2):133-7.
9.Ece I, Demirören K, Demir N, Uner A, Balli S. Assessment of cardiac functions in infants with cow’s
milk allergy. Med Sci Monit.2014;20:1383-8.
10.Caglayan AO, Baranoski JF, Aktar F, Han W, Tuysuz B, Guzel A, Guclu B, Kaymakcalan H, Aktekin
B, Akgumus GT, Murray PB, Erson-Omay EZ, Caglar C, Bakircioglu M, Sakalar YB, Guzel E, Demir N,
Tuncer O, Senturk S, Ekici B, Minja FJ, Šestan N, Yasuno K, Bilguvar K, Caksen H, Gunel M. Brain
malformations associated with Knobloch syndrome-review of literature, expanding clinical spectrum, and
identification of novel mutations. Pediatr Neurol. 2014;51(6):806-813.e8.
11.Demir N, Ece İ, Peker E, Kaba S, Ustyol L, Balahoroğlu R, Tuncer O. Impact of patent ductus
arteriosus and subsequent therapy with ibuprofen on the release of S-100B and oxidative stress index in
preterm infants. Med Sci Monit.2014;20:2799-805.
12.Demir N, Peker E, Gülşen İ, Ağengin K, Tuncer O. Factors affecting infection development after
meningomyelocele repair in newborns and the efficacy of antibiotic prophylaxis. Childs Nerv
13.Ceylan A, Gezer S, Demir N, Tuncer O, Peker E, Kırımi E. The importance of administration of early
surfactant and nasal continuous positive airway pressure in newborns with respiratory distress syndrome.
Turk Pediatri Ars.2014;49(3):192-7.
14.Demir N, Peker E, Ece I, Kaba S, Doğan M, Tuncer O. A male newborn with Simpson-Golabi-Behmel
syndrome, presenting with metopic synostosis, anal atresia, and total anomalous pulmonary venous return.
Genet Couns. 2014;25(4):439-43.
15.Demir N, Tuncer O, Peker E, Bilici S, Yavuz A. An interesting coexistence of Patau syndrome;
Spigelian hernia and undescended testes. Genet Couns. 2014;25(2):241-4.
16. Taşkin GA, Tuncer O, Demir N, Bilici S, Aktar F, Peker E, Uner A. Association of Down syndrome
and morgagni hernia. Genet Couns.2014;25(3):345-7.
17.Demir N, Peker E, Gülşen I, Kaba S, Tuncer O. Megalencephaly, Polymıcrogyrıa, Polydactyly And
Hydrocephalus (Mpph) Syndrome: A New Case Wıth Occıpıtal Encephalocele And Cleft Palate. Genet
18.Gulsen I, Ak H, Demir N, Sosuncu E, Arslan M. How frequently external ventricular drainage device
should be changed in children with ventriculoperitonel shunt infection? Pak J Med Sci.2015;31(2):435-8.
19. Kaba S, Doğan M, Bulan K, Demir N, Üner A, Bulut MD, Kocaman S.Blepharophimosis, Ptosis, and
Epicanthus Inversus Syndrome: Expanding the
Phenotype. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2015.
20.Peker E, Demir N, Tuncer O, Üstyol L, Balahoroğlu R, Kaba S, Karaman K. The levels of vitamın
B(12), folate and homocysteine in mothers and their babies with neural tube defects. J Matern Fetal
Neonatal Med. 2015:1-5.
21. Abuhandan M, Demir N, Guzel B, Almaz V, Koca B, Tuncer O, Cakmak A. An Evaluation of
Oxidative Status in Serum and Breast Milk of Mothers Giving Birth Prematurely and at Full-Term. Iran J
22. Demir N, Peker E, Gülşen İ, Ağengin K, Kaba S, Tuncer O. A Single-Center Experience of CNS
Anomalies or Neural Tube Defects in Patients With Jarcho-Levin Syndrome. J Child
23. Demir N, Peker E, Ece İ, Ağengin K, Bulan KA, Tuncer O. Is platelet mass a more significant
indicator than platelet count of closure of patent ductus arteriosus? J Matern Fetal Neonatal
24. Demir N, Koç A, Abuhandan M, Calik M, Işcan A. Visual and brainstem auditory evoked potentials
in infants with severe vitamin B12 deficiency. Turk J Med Sci.2015;45(6):1274-9.
25.Ceylan N, Kaba S, Karaman K, Celiker M, Basbugan Y, Demir N. Investigation of the effect of the
efficiency of noise at different intensities on the DNA of the newborns. Noise Health. 2016;18(80):7-9.
26.Ustyol L, Peker E, Demir N, Agengin K, Tuncer O. The Use of Acute Peritoneal Dialysis in Critically
Ill Newborns. Med Sci Monit. 2016;22: 1421-6.
Échange sanguin dans l’ictère néonatal sévère :
A Multicentre Prospective Study’61st Turkey National Pediatrics Congress, Oral Paper First Prize, 2017, ANTALYA.
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