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Prof. Dr. Gazi Kobaner

Position: Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi
Categories: Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi


Uzmanlıkları Kalp Damar ve Göğüs Cerrahisi, Deontoloji ve Etik, Arkeometri Bölümü Kalp Damar Cerrahisi Varis ve Periferik Damar Cerrahisi


Eğitim 1969 Hacettepe Tıp Fakültesine giriş, 1983 Hacettepe Tıp Fakültesi Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisinden İhtisas. 2002 Çukurova Üniversitesinde Arkeometri Bilim Uzmanlığ, 2006 Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Tarihi ve Etik ten Doktora

Bilimsel Yayınları

Varicose vein scleroterapy and pulmoner hipertansion ‘Turkish Thoracic Society 2014 Antakya
Popliteal A-V Fistül as a complicaton of leg operation. 16th vasculer surgery congress26-29 October 26-29 2013

Hemotoraks of A, the great. VII thoracıc surgery congressl 25-27 april 2013 İstanbul

Leg Transplantation or Malpraxis; 8th international congress of update in cardiology and cardiovasculer surgery March 1-4 2012 – Antalya

Cardio Vascular Diseases; an epidemiological study based on the cardiovascular surgery related publications published via web between July 2007- June 2008

Mehmet Kobaner : Malaria findings on Ancient Era Skeletons – 123k

Mehmet Kobaner Elaiussa Sebaste. Research of mineralogical and micromorphological species of Byzantine Reservoir 2002 • 93 pages.

İpek Kobaner-Dr.Mehmet Kobaner. Ancient Cities of Adana. İsmail Salman. Historical Nature of Adana: Castles, Caravanserais, Inns and Mosques…

Mehmet Kobaner-İpek Kobaner-Hamdi Okatan, In the light of coins Anatolian Seljukian Era; Bekircan Tahberer-İlter Uzel, Medical History …

Mehmet Kobaner, İpek Kobaner, Bekircan Tahberer, Selim Kadıoğlu’nun. Roman Etic Values on Coins 3rd National Congress of Medical Ethics Bursa 2003 –

Hakan Şen, Mehmet Kobaner DİOSKORİDES of ANAZARBUS..

Mehmet Kobaner, İpek Kobaner, Bekircan Tahberer, Selim Kadıoğlu; Reflections of Asclepius Cult on Yumurtalık (Aigai) Coins. 38 th İnternational Congress on the Hıstory of Medicine.

Mehmet Kobaner ‘ Pharmacists of Osmaniye’ 4th Turkish History of Pharmacy Assembly- İstanbul.

Mehmet Kobaner, İpek Kobaner, Selim Kadıoğlu; Egyptian and Mesopotamian Origins of the Cult of Asclepius. 38 th İnternational Congress on the Hıstory of Medicine.

Mehmet Kobaner, İpek Kobaner, Selim Kadıoğlu; Reflections of Asclepius Cult on Düziçi (İrenepolis) Coins. 38 th İnternational Congress on the Hıstory of Medicine.

Mehmet Kobaner, İpek Kobaner; Passages of Cukurova during Ancient History. Yapı Kredi Publishing.

Mehmet Kobaner. Osmaniye Yumurtalık Roman Era Water Channels. 1st Arkeometry Days.

Mehmet Kobaner 1905-2007 Çukurova Sıtes; Apa Publishing Istanbul 2008yınlarım;


Varis tedavisinde görülen fatal komplikasyonlar yayınları
1) Stroke after varicose vein foam injection sclerotherapy
MV Forlee, M Grouden, DJ Moore, G Shanik – Journal of vascular surgery, 2006 – Elsevier

2)Fatal cardiovascular collapse during ethanol sclerotherapy of a venous malformation

R Chapot, A Laurent, O Enjolras, D Payen… – Interventional …, 2002 –
3) Fatal outcome after ethanol renal ablation in child with end-stage kidneys

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